Ver la versión completa : Divetime Scuba Diving iPhone

29th January 2011, 12:14

Nearby location search to find scuba dive sites in your immediate vicinity with the click of a single button.
Map based search option to find dive sites anywhere in the world. Simply place a pointer on the map and click to search in that location. You can set the maximum search radius and number of results to return per search.
Detailed dive site information which include the name, description, type of dive, experience level required, maximum depth, average visibility, currents, access method and marine life.
Save any search location to quickly and easily search and revisit it again the future. Name, edit , reorder and delete your locations.
Bookmark dive sites for offline browsing and future reference. Reorder and delete bookmarks as you see fit.
Google Maps integration allows you to switch between Road, Satellite or Hybrid views at any time - without losing your current search results!
Switch measuring systems between Metric and Imperial.
Information http://www.divetime.com/iphone

30th January 2011, 13:08
No se hasta que punto es una "pijeria" tener esta aplicacion en el movil ... para eso ya tenemos los "TOMTOS" (mas conocido como GPS) . Bueno todo lo que sea una "aproximacion" o "iniciativa positiva" para acercarse o facilitar el mundo del buceo me parece positivo pero no le veo una gran utilidad .

Salutes !